Manufacturing Bay Street Theatre Scene ShopTechnical Director: Joseph Kalinowski Overhead beams assembly (Anna in the Tropics) Finished overhead beams (Anna in the Tropics) Stud Layout (Anna in the Tropics) Stage edge (Anna in the Tropics) Installed stage floor (Anna in the Tropics) Finished Scenery install (Anna in the Tropics) Staircase for deck (Windfall) Start of stage deck install (Windfall) Stage deck in progress (Windfall) Finished flooring and platform (Windfall) Finished scenery install (Windfall) Deck install (Ragtime) Finished Install (Ragtime) University of Southern Mississippi Theatre Scene ShopShop Manger: Wes Hanson Breakaway Shot Glasses (Addams Family) Bed of Nails (Addams Family) Grandma's Cart (Addams Family) Moon Baby (Addams Fmaily) Trebuchet designed and made by me (The Addams Family) Finished Trebuchet (The Addams Family) Working well (Gem of the Ocean) Boat made with Wes Hanson (Gem of the Ocean) (Guys and Dolls) (Guys and Dolls) (Guys and Dolls) Random Projects Drawing Lightbox 3d Printed replica of Andúril (1 of 3) 3d Printed replica of Andúril (2 of 3) 3d Printed replica of Andúril (3 of 3) Fireplace made with a flux core mig welder Gathering practice Field element for 2019 FRC season Field element for 2019 FRC season Field element for 2019 FRC season