Scenic Design

Blithe Spirit

Written by Noël Coward

Directed by Blake Waters

Scenic Design by Harrison Lange

Lighting Design by Alison Bucher

Costume Design by Theresa Bush

Design Statement

Blithe Spirit is about Charles’s desire to have the love and respect of his wives, but through his selfish and inconsiderate actions he loses everything. The set is Charles’s drawing room this is the place that represents how he wants to be perceived by the world. To that end it is made to feel very lavish with accents of gold and silver. But you can see the coldness of Charles’s true personality creep through the concrete floor and stone seats all of which feel impersonal and unfriendly. The set is designed in a non realistic way with segmented walls, this is to help imply that the room is more grand than the little piece of it we see. To contrast the stylized set, the special effects were designed to be realistic to help ground the visuals of those moments.




Costume Design